Ingraham High School

High School
Student Family Portal


Ingraham Attendance Office

Attendance Specialist:  Jenny Young

Please email or send a written note to the attendance office to alert us of your student’s absence as soon as possible (no more than 2 days after absence). Include your student’s name and the reason for the absence. Scroll down to see the District’s list of excused absences and Ingraham’s leaving school (early dismissal) policy.

Pre-Planned Absence Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the biggest change with Attendance?
A: Important: No phone calls or voicemails will be accepted to update attendance – send email or written note.

Q: When do I come by the attendance window?
A: Important: Signing in (late arrival) and out (early dismissal) and to drop off forms and notes from parents.

Q: Do I sign in at the attendance when I’m late (any period)?
A: Yes, sign in at the attendance window when arriving late so that we can accurately reflect attendance.

Q: What do I do if I was in class and marked absent?
A: Stop by the attendance window for an Attendance Correction slip. Teacher permission is needed to remove and absence or tardy. Or, speak to your teacher to clear the mistake; your parent cannot clear/excuse the absence for you.

Q: Which absences need a Preplanned Absence form versus email or note?
A: Scroll down to see Definitions (Seattle School District) Valid Excuses

Q: What if I forget to hand in a Preplanned Absence form before an absence?
A: Your absences will stay unexcused (don’t forget to hand in-day before ok-otherwise it’s too late).

Q: What if I have recurring medical appointments and want to leave the same time, same day, each week?
A: Make sure to turn in a Preplanned Absence form (extended medical) with the information; each semester.

Q:When is it too late to excuse an absence?
A: Important: You now have two (2) days to update attendance from the date of absence. This is a new update.

Q: What happens if I leave school and don’t sign out?
A: Your absence will remain unexcused.

Q: What if I’m feeling sick at school and want to go home?
A: You must see the nurse, or her backup, and get a release to leave. If you leave without the pass from the nurse (left at attendance), the absence will be unexcused.

Q: Can my parent call so I can leave early when I feel sick?
A: So long as it meets the early dismissal guidelines… must be in advance (at least an hour).

Q: What if my parents can’t pick me up; can someone else?
A: So long as “someone else” is listed as a contact in your record; or a written authorization is sent with the early dismissal request (email and phone calls are not accepted).

Q: What if I walk out of class, or go to the bathroom and stay too long?
A: Your teacher may mark you left early or absent and it can stay unexcused. If you miss more than 10 minutes of class, you are considered absent.

Q: How is attendance updated for in-school participation/events (class meetings, Link Crew, PSAT, College/Career day, various individualized testing, etc.)?
A: Attendance is taken at the event, verified by organizers, then submitted to attendance for entry. Do not anticipate attendance updates the same day (check your SOURCE account to verify completion).

Q: How is early dismissal for sports handled?
A: The coach submits a list to the attendance office; the list is distributed to teachers; the teachers dismiss the student; the attendance will be updated by next day at latest. Parents cannot excuse students for sports early dismissals.

Attendance Guidelines

Send attendance notifications to:


An absence from a class at the secondary level is defined as any time a student misses more than ten (10) minutes of a given class period.

For unplanned absences, written or electronic notice of the absence by the parent or guardian to the school within two (2) school days of the student’s return.

Five (5) consecutive unplanned absences requires a physician’s verification to excuse (three (3) days within return).

For planned absences, Preplanned Absence forms are due to attendance three (3) days before date of absence.

Absence may be one or more classes, up to the entire day.

Marked absent/late for class/period(s) and the student was not absent or late; the student is required to clear the discrepancy with the teacher. The parent cannot excuse the absence.

Excessive excused absences : students who exceed twenty (20) excused absences in a school year will be subject to school-based and central interventions for these absences, and may be subject to a truancy petition on the basis that excessive excused absences have a serious adverse effect on a students’ academic progress.

Absences at the beginning of the school year

Students who miss the first eight (8) days of school, whether the absences are excused or unexcused, will not be counted as enrolled students and will cease to be enrolled in the District; unless there is a written agreement between the appropriate school official and a student’s parent or guardian to begin attending later.

Every student must attend at least one (1) day prior to October 1 or they will cease to be enrolled.

Absences for longer than twenty (20) consecutive school days Students who are absent for more than twenty (20) consecutive school days, whether the absences are excused or unexcused, will not be counted as enrolled students except in the following two (2) circumstances:

If there is an agreement between the appropriate school official and a student’s parent or guardian that the student’s temporary absence is not deemed to cause a serious adverse effect upon the student’s educational progress, the absent student may be counted as an enrolled student for at least two monthly enrollment periods.

Any agreement between the school and the parent or guardian under this section must be in writing and signed by the parties.

A student who receives home/hospital services shall be counted as an enrolled student as long as the student remains a student in the Seattle Public Schools. If a student enrolls in another district, the student will be withdrawn from SPS.

Definitions (Seattle School District) Valid Excuses

  • Participation in a district or school approved activity or instructional program (internal)
  • Illness, health condition or medical appointment (including but not limited to, medical counseling, dental or optometry). Day five (5), consecutive days absent, requires physician’s verification to excuse.
  • Extended Medical – medical absence to exceed three (3) consecutive days; recurring medical appointments –Submit Preplanned Absence form
  • Family emergency, including but not limited to, death or illness in the family. Details may be requested.
  • Absence related to bereavement; anticipate more than three (3) consecutive days –Submit Preplanned Absence form
  • Religious or cultural purpose including observance of a religious or cultural holiday or participation in religious or cultural instruction
  • Court, judicial proceeding or serving on a jury –Submit official document for review
  • Post-secondary, technical school or apprenticeship program visitation, or scholarship interview –Submit Preplanned Absence form
  • State recognized search and rescue activities –Submit Preplanned Absence form
  • Absence directly related to the student’s homeless status, such as a house fire, moving, lack of new District transportation set up, required agency visit or similar situation.
  • Absence related to deployment activities of a parent or legal guardian who is an active duty member.
  • Absence resulting from a disciplinary/corrective action.
  • Absences due to student safety concerns, including absences related to threats, assaults, or bullying
  • Absences due to a student’s migrant status
  • A reason of faith or conscience, or for an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization, for up to two (2) days per school year – Submit Preplanned Absence form
  • An approved activity that is consistent with the district policy and is mutually agreed upon by the principal or designee and a parent, guardian, or an adult, emancipated or appropriately aged student. – Submit Preplanned Absence form
    • Activities that are consistent with district policy deepen and/or expand student learning, build community awareness, develop skills, (e.g., technical, visual or performing arts, athletic) and/or prepare students for college, career and live.  Activities eligible for approval include attending a youth conference, serving as a counselor at a school-sanctioned outdoor education program and participating in an activity sponsored by a nonprofit and/or community organization that relates to the policy objectives listed above. 
    • At the time of the activity the student must meet or exceed the eligibility criteria for students participating in district-sponsored activities and have a plan in place for making up missed classroom activities and assignment.
  • School route weather conditions that create an unsafe condition for transport to school
  • Participation in one civic engagement activity each semester when the student provides the following two (2) days before the planned absence:
    • A completed civic engagement activity absence form signed by a parent/guardian describing the nature of the civic engagement activity. (Preplanned Absence form)

If an absence is excused, the student is permitted to make up all missed assignments outside of class under reasonable conditions and time limits established by the appropriate teacher; except that in-participation type classes, a student’s grade may be affected because of the student’s inability to make up the activities conducted during a class period.

Early Dismissal

Written, verbal or electronic notice by a parent/guardian must be in the Attendance Office before a student may be notified to leave class by Attendance.

Upon receipt of advance notice, the Attendance Office will issue a Temporary Early Dismissal pass to the relevant class. Students must Sign Out at the Attendance window before leaving campus; mandatory.

Absences remain unexcused if parent/guardian notice of dismissal is not received in advance.

Early dismissal due to illness (while at school) requires a release from the school nurse. The school nurse will contact and receive release authorization. Sign out at Attendance is mandatory.

If another individual is picking up the student, that person must be listed as contact in the student record and must have proper identification. The students’ safety is our first concern.

Unexcused Absences

Any absence from school is unexcused unless it meets one of the criteria above for an excused absence.

A student record is not excused when the parent notification does not provide a reason, that meets district standard, for the absence. (Appointment, family trip, family issues – unexcused.)

A student record is unexcused when the student/parent does not sign out at attendance when leaving early.

Specifically, absences for the following reasons are unexcused: oversleeping, missing one’s bus or having other transportation problems, family trip or vacation, or a student needed to babysit a sibling or interpret for parents/guardians on an ongoing basis.

A student who has failed to attend the majority of hours or periods in an average day will be marked as having an “unexcused absence (Truant) day.”

Tardy-Late Arrivals

A tardy at the secondary level is defined as arriving late to school or to any class during the school day.

Parent/guardian notification is required to excuse a tardy/late arrival within two (2) days.

Schools may implement attendance interventions and supports by including accumulated tardies and/or early departures with full-day absences.

Check our Bell Schedules Webpage for information about our school schedule.