Ingraham High School

High School

Course Catalog

2024-2025 Ingraham Course Catalog

2024-25 Ingraham Course Catalog

Registration Policies and Procedures

Hello current IHS students!
Counselors will come to your English class (grades 9-11) to have a one-on-one meeting with each student to pick courses for next year. One-on-one meetings will run from February 26th-March 15th. We will discuss graduation requirements and planning for post-secondary goals. If you do not have an English class or are currently in an English 12 class, or are absent the day of the one-on-one meetings your counselor will reach out to you to schedule a meeting. These are just course requests. There is no benefit to register early versus later.

Courses are established, and staff are assigned based on students’ class requests made during spring registration. Students are given an opportunity to review and adjust their course selections during each advisory period in June. Changes may not be made after that window in June. There are a few exceptions:

  • Adjustments due to classes passed over summer
  • Corrections needed to meet graduation requirements
  • Adjusting for Running Start schedules
  • Level changes which require approval by teacher, counselor, and parent/guardian
  • TA periods which require approval by teacher, counselor, and parent/guardian

Balancing Classes:

  • Sometimes counselor and administrators may have to adjust student schedules to balance class sizes.

Rationale for policies: We have numerous reasons for this policy change. The schedule changes have impact on:

  • Decrease instruction time
  • Staff productivity
  • Staff Assignments at Ingraham
  • Disrupt the learning environment

Questions and Answers about Ingraham

Transportation to Ingraham

Seattle Public Schools students are given pre-paid ORCA cards to travel to and from school via King County Metro. Morning and Afternoon yellow buses are offered to supplement this service for all students with no proof of eligibility required.

Start and End Times for Ingraham

Ingraham’s academic day lasts from 8:50 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.

Wednesdays are early release days, 8:50 a.m. to 2:25 p.m.

Additional questions?

Any questions you didn’t get answered? You can contact any of the counselors or administrators. Go Rams!

Welcome to the Ingraham Family!

Thank you for taking the time to explore the courses, programs, and services offered at Ingraham International High School. We hope to hear from you soon regarding any unanswered questions you may have. We hope we can help make your high school experience as easy and enjoyable as possible.

View the SPS District Course Catalog in different languages.