Open House and IB Info Sessions

Open House and IB Info Sessions
NOTE: All sessions have been held. Ingraham does not provide private tours or allow student guests during the school day. If you have questions regarding the IB Program, please refer to our IB webpage where the recording of the virtual meeting will be posted soon, or reach out to IB co-coordinators Laura Turner at or Angela Peck at
Open House for 8th Grade Families (Parents and Students)
Wednesday, January 29th at 7pm
Please help spread the word! Ingraham is hosting an Open House for prospective families.
Meet in the Auditorium for a short presentation by Principal Floe, then meet teachers and learn about curriculum and activities available at Ingraham. Please note that due to the many questions we receive about the IB program, there is a separate information session dedicated to IB. See info below.
International Baccalaureate Information Night for 8th – 10th Grade Families (Parents and Students)
In-Person Meeting: Thursday, January 23rd, 7pm-9pm in the Ingraham Library (updated location)
Virtual Meeting: Wednesday, February 5th, 7pm-9pm, meeting on Join the IB program Microsoft TEAMS meeting
The IB Coordinators are holding two information sessions for 8-10th grade families who are interested in learning more about Ingraham’s IB Programs – both the long-running Diploma Program and the newly-added IB Career-Related Program. Both of these programs are for students in the last two years of high-school and offer different ways to be an IB Student at Ingraham. We will have an in-person meeting on January 23rd from 7-9 in the Ingraham Library, and a live virtual session on February 5th. Both sessions will cover the same information, with limited time for questions afterwards.