Spring Language Credit Testing
Spring Language Credit Testing
Can you speak, read and write in a language other than English? Students can earn up to four high school credits and if you earn four, you qualify for the Washington State Seal of Biliteracy. Tests are free for students. Register for a language test, students will need to log in with their SPS account. The registration deadline is Friday, March 28.
Students should practice writing before they take the test. STAMP (Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic) has some STAMP (Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic) has some practice items that students can try. practice items that students can try. STAMP WS (Somali, Amharic, Vietnamese, Tagalog) also has sample tests. For most other languages (Tigrinya, Oromo, Swahili, etc.), students will take a 1-hour writing test and will schedule a speaking test after the writing test results are received.
Questions? Contact Noah Zeichner nczeichner@seattleschools.org