Ingraham High School

High School

Ingraham Weekly Bulletin

Ingraham Weekly Bulletin – Sept. 6, 2024

Summary: The weekly bulletin is distributed by email on Friday afternoons, and posted here on the Ingraham website.


Attendance Office:  Please email

Bell Schedule: view bell schedule

Parents/Guardians:  Please read all the way through for very important start-of-school information.

If your student will not be attending Ingraham this school year, it is important to let us know!  Please email our Registrar, Toni Morgan at

If you have moved, it is important to let us and the district know by completing a Change of Address form

Important!  Complete the Student Data Verification form online through The Source, Sept. 4 – 30.  The student data verification form enables parents and guardians to update their household and student information online. This form includes important student health information, emergency, and family contact information, and much more.  To access, log in to your Source account and select Student Data Verification form from the navigation menu.

If you do not have a Source account, please see this link for more information: Technology Supports for Families.  The Source is where you can view your student’s schedule, grades, and attendance, as well as pay for school fees in SchoolPay.  

Volunteers Needed

School picture days on 9/10, 9/12, 9/13.  Please sign up to volunteer for picture day to help with passing out slips to students as they arrive to the auditorium.  You must be an approved SPS volunteer. 

Start-of-School Forms – Please Complete by Friday, September 20th

Fillable forms that are required to be returned to school

If you need a paper packet, you or your student may pick one up in the main office starting the first day of school.

  • Emergency Information and Student Release (required)
  • FERPA (required) Please fill out the High School FERPA form (not elementary). This is where you choose whether or not to share directory information, including with military recruiters, etc. 
  • Health Information Form (required)
  • Technology Forms (Laptop device agreement, bring on the first day of school)
  • 504-2 Survey to Identify Students with Disabilities (fill out if applicable)
  • Indian Education Program, Native Education (fill out if applicable, new students only)
  • Student Meals, Free and Reduced Lunch Application (fill out if applicable)
  • Student Housing Questionnaire (fill out if applicable, for those experiencing housing insecurity)

You may submit your completed forms in one of the following ways:

  • After completing each form, save each as a file, then email all as attachments to
  • Print them at home and send them to school with your student to drop off at the main office.
  • Mail them to:  Ingraham High School, 1819 N. 135th St, Seattle, WA 98133

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Services (SBIRT)

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) will be administering the Check Yourself questionnaire to students as part of the SBIRT program. This program is grant funded by King County’s Best Starts for Kids initiative and aims to reduce substance use, promote mental health, and provide students with the resources needed to thrive.

The Check Yourself questionnaire is completely voluntary. Families can choose to excuse their student, and students can also decline to participate. There is no penalty for not participating and your student’s grades will not be affected. A copy of the questionnaire is available for families who want to preview the questions. If you would like to preview the questionnaire or opt your student out of participation, please contact Ingraham’s SBIRT Coordinator, Omari Guidry at

Check Yourself or SBIRT

Transportation via King County Metro

Due to a statewide measure, youth who are under 19 years old can ride public transportation for free. This means that the district no longer provides Youth ORCA cards to SPS students. For riders 13 and older, using a Youth ORCA card is highly encouraged, but not required. Tapping a Youth ORCA card allows transit agencies to better understand how many young people are riding transit, including where and when.

Students aged 13 and older are encouraged to order a free Youth ORCA card on the My ORCA website (the card will automatically be registered when ordered).  Students who currently have a Youth ORCA card can continue to use the card, even if it has an expiration date. 

Please go to the SPS Transportation webpage for more information

School Picture Days- on the Auditorium Stage

Students:  It is important to get your photo taken, even if you are not ordering a picture package.  The photographer will give you an Ingraham Student ID card, which serves as an ID if you do not have a driver’s permit or license yet.  Your photo will also be included in the yearbook (unless you opt-out).

Tuesday, Sept. 10th:  Freshmen and Sophomores during LA classes

Thursday, Sept. 12th:  Juniors and Seniors during LA classes

Friday, Sept. 13th:  Picture makeup day for anyone who missed their scheduled day.

Running Start Students:  Please drop by during any of the three days to get your photo taken and pick up your student ID. 

Families can preorder photos here: 2024-25 Ingraham High School Picture Days 9/10, 9/12, 9/13 (enter your student’s ID number and select your package; separate orders are required for each student, including siblings).  

Print orders will be mailed directly to students’ homes in approximately three weeks after the picture day.

Digital orders will be sent via email from in approximately three weeks after the picture day (use to search your inbox/spam folders).

ID cards will be printed onsite and handed to students at the time of their photo.

Curriculum Night – Wednesday, September 25th at 7pm

Parents/Guardians, meet in the Auditorium at 7pm and then follow your student’s schedule and meet their teachers. 

Student Drop-off and Parking on Campus UPDATED INFO

Parents: Please do not drop off or pick up your students on N. 135th St, as that is reserved for district transportation only.  Student drop-off is in the NE Visitor Parking lot. 

Students: It will now be Required that all students complete a vehicle registration form and obtain a free parking pass from the main office if they plan on parking on campus.  A valid driver license must be shown when obtaining the parking pass.  We are working out the new process, soon to be announced.  Student parking is in the lot off Meridian and the south section of the south parking lot next to the fields.  Staff/Visitor parking is next to the auditorium/upper gym entrance, as well as in the south parking lot near the tennis courts.  Do not park in the Helene Madison parking lot.  Cars will be ticketed and/or towed if you are illegally parked in a handicapped parking spot or in a fire lane (yellow or red curbs). 

Sports Sign Ups

If you are planning on participating in Winter/Spring sports, sign up now on Final Forms via  Make sure your sports physical is up to date before you show up to practice and that you have completed all steps in Final Forms! 

Contact Athletics Secretary, Maria Medina at if you have questions. 

SAT for seniors and PSAT for juniors

Seattle Public Schools will be offering the School Day SAT and PSAT this fall.  Unfortunately, we can only provide the SAT to seniors and the PSAT to juniors.  Testing will likely take place during the week of Oct. 14th and will be completely digital.  Because these exams are digital, students will be required to take the test on a district provided computer – so juniors and seniors need to check one out.   Prior to testing, students will need to login, update, and complete a digital readiness check to ensure their computer is ready to go.  Keep your eye out for more specifics in the coming weeks.  Look at the district’s assessment page ( for more information.  For questions that cannot wait, e-mail Jennifer Luthe (Testing Coordinator) at

Volunteering at Ingraham

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! 

Learn more about volunteering

Sign in or create a volunteer application

Volunteer applications and WATCH background checks are valid for 2 years. Volunteers are notified by email when it is time to renew.

Most volunteers are Category A. This allows volunteers to participate in activities while being supervised by SPS staff.

Category B status is reserved for volunteer activities not supervised by SPS staff. This status is reserved for overnight field trip chaperones, Club Advisors and online tutors (a program that is not currently offered). 

Volunteers are requested to only apply when there is a specific event they want to participate in. WATCH background checks are now run centrally at the district level and applications can take 1-2 weeks to process. So please, get your applications in early this year.  Thank you!

Questions?  Please contact our Ingraham Volunteer Coordinator, Elizabeth Hudd at

School Communication

Ingraham uses various methods to communicate information out to students and families:

  • Students, please start checking your SPS email inbox daily for information from school. 
  • Schoology pages
  • School Bulletins:  We email the school bulletin weekly via a system called School Messenger.  Occasionally, we hear from parents/guardians who say they are not receiving the bulletin or have suddenly stopped receiving them.  It is usually an email filter issue, or you have inadvertently unsubscribed.  Please manage your communication preferences

Activities, Parent Boosters and Other News:


September 6 from 5 – 7 p.m. – Fall Feast Community Celebration

Stop by and “Build a Burger” at the IABC Fall Feast before you head to the Ingraham vs. Ballard football game on September 6.  Everyone is welcome to join this fun gathering to kick off the school year. (Note: game tickets sold separately).

Learn more and purchase tickets here.

September 6 – Ingraham vs. Ballard Football – 7 p.m. Kick off; Gates open at 6:15 p.m.

Ingraham vs. Ballard football game tickets can be purchased online in advance or with cash at the game. We’re expecting a BIG crowd. Advance purchase is highly recommended.

Purchase ADULT tickets

Purchase STUDENT tickets

October 11 from 7:30 – 9 a.m. – Breakfast of Champions

Save the Date! On October 11, we’re bringing back the annual Breakfast of Champions fundraiser with the goal of raising $50,000 for sports teams and clubs at Ingraham. Individual tickets and tables of 10 are available.

Learn more and purchase tickets here.

Homecoming Week

October 21 – 26, with the Homecoming game on Friday, October 25th at 7pm vs. Franklin. The Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday, October 26th.  More info to come on the dance soon!