World Language Credit Testing
Earn Credit for Languages You Know!
Do you speak a language other than English? Can you read and write in it too? Do you want to earn credit for it?
When: April 2, 2025
Where: Ingraham High School Library
Registration: Students must register online by Friday, March 28th:
Find much more information at: Seattle Schools World Language Credit Testing
Tests are free for all 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students!
Email Noah Zeichner:
World Language Assessment for Students Who Acquired Language Proficiency Outside the Classroom
Seattle Public Schools offers World Language Credit Testing remotely and in-person at some middle and high school sites on dates the schools decide. To test remotely please read below and register. Your testing date and time will be confirmed by email two weeks prior to testing. In order to create as many testing opportunities as possible for students you will be asked to confirm by email in order to secure your testing spot. Please check your email and respond to confirm two weeks prior to testing. If you would like to test in-person please check with a counselor at your school.