Ingraham High School

High School

School Profile

Ingraham High School Profile

Basic Information

Attendance Area School Attendance Map

This attendance area impacted by an approved boundary change.

School Leadership and Board District

Community Partners at Ingraham Community resources and programs at Ingraham High School

Ingraham High School Class of 2025 Information

  • Class Size: 374
  • Grading Scale: out of 4.0. Official GPA is unweighted.
  • Class Rank: Seattle School District does not use rank

School Community

Ingraham High School is a comprehensive and diverse urban high school with about 1,410 students which includes 440 Highly Capable Cohort (HCC) and Advanced Learning (AL) students, 134 full and part-time Running Start students, 266 students with Indi- visualized Learning Plans (IEP), and 161 English Language Learners (ELL). Involvement in community service projects, school clubs like our highly acclaimed Robotics Club and FCCLA, and sports are a vibrant part of the school’s character with a high percentage of the student population participating in them. Of the approximate 346 2024 graduates, 68% of the students enrolled in a 4-year college, 21% enrolled in a 2-year college, 3% took a gap year and 8% checked “other” category (e.g. work, military, etc.).

Grading and Class Rank

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) does not weight transcript grades or GPAs. As of Fall 2020 our school does not rank students. We believe students should be competitive with themselves and not with others. Grades are awarded as shown below. Please note: starting with the 2019-2020 school year, district policy only allows pass/no pass grading for credit earned from on-line or other independent providers while enrolled at Ingraham.

  • A: 93-100%
  • A-: 90-92%
  • B+: 87-89%
  • B: 83-86%
  • B-: 80-82%
  • C+: 77-79%
  • C: 73-76%
  • C-:70-72%
  • D+: 67-69%
  • D: 60-66%
  • E: Below 60%

Curriculum Highlights

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Ingraham offers the prestigious IB Diploma Program, a rigorous course of study for highly motivated and academically capable students. Nineteen subjects are taught in the program with twelve being offered at the higher level. Two IB pathways are offered for the 2-year program: a standard IB pathway in 11th and 12th grade and an early entry pathway that allows identified highly capable students to complete the IB Diploma Program in 10th and 11th grade. By earning the IB diploma at the end of their junior year, students in the early entry program fulfill Washington State graduation requirements and can opt for early graduation or return to Ingraham for a senior year. See Profile Addendum for additional details on the early entry IB program.

Performing and Visual Arts

Musical Theatre, Theatre (Intro and production), Tech Theatre Foundations, Costuming, Choir, Vocal Jazz, Chorale, Orchestra, Band, Jazz Band, Percussion, Guitar, Piano, Art Survey, Drawing & Painting, Ceramics, Photography (note starting 21-22 schoolyear students in Art Survey should be recognized as getting Photography or Adv Photography), IB Visual Arts, Film Studies and IB Film

IB Exam Summary

Subject Group 1

SubjectNumber of Students TestingMean ScoreDifference from World Mean Score
English HL1034.720.16
French A: Literature self taught SL14-0.73
Spanish A: Literature self taught SL13-1.58

Subject Group 2

SubjectNumber of Students TestingMean ScoreDifference from World Mean Score
French HL14-1.3
French SL64.67-0.43
Japanese SL124.83-0.23
Spanish HL115.360.14
Spanish SL355.460.54

Subject Group 3

SubjectNumber of Students TestingMean ScoreDifference from World Mean Score
Economics SL85.380.57
Env. And Soc124.920.74
History of the Americas HL894.750.49
Psychology HL164.56-0.18
Psychology SL454.720.3

Subject Group 4

SubjectNumber of Students TestingMean ScoreDifference from World Mean Score
Biology HL234.870.45
Biology SL354.240.05
Chemistry SL394.510.27
Physics SL125.20.96

Subject Group 5

SubjectNumber of Students TestingMean ScoreDifference from World Mean Score
Math Analysis HL154.53-0.34
Math Analysis SL314.45-0.1
Math Applications SL123.58-0.34

Subject Group 6

SubjectNumber of Students TestingMean ScoreDifference from World Mean Score
Film SL13-1.1
Visual Arts HL53.8-0.46
Visual Arts SL83.13-0.77

World Languages

  • French Levels 1 through 5
  • Spanish Levels 1 through 6
  • Japanese Levels 1 through 6

IB/AP/Honors/College In The High School Courses

  • Language Arts
    • Intro to Literature and Comp 9A/B H
    • World Literature and Comp 10A/B H
    • IB Literature 11 A/B SL, IB Literature 12 A/B HL
  • World Language Department
    • IB French 4A/4B SL, IB French 5A/5B HL
    • IB Japanese 4A/4B SL, IB Japanese 5A/5B + 6A/6B HL
    • IB Spanish 4A/4B SL, IB Spanish 5A/5B + 6A/6B HL
  • Social Studies Department
    • World History 1 H, 2 H, and 3 H
    • IB History of Americas HL
    • IB Theory of Knowledge 1 and 2
    • IB 20TH Century World History HL
    • IB Economics SL
  • Science Department
    • Physics A H /Chemistry A H
    • Physics B H /Chemistry B H
    • Biology A/B  H
    • IB Sports Medicine
    • IB Chemistry SL
    • IB Physics SL
    • IB Biology SL + HL
    • IB Environmental Science*
  • Mathematics Department
    • Geometry A/B H
    • Algebra 2A/B H
    • Pre-Calculus A/B H*
    • IB Math Apps and Interpretation SL C/D
    • IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL C/D
    • IB Math Analysis and Approaches A/B + C/D HL
    • AP Statistics A/B
    • AP Calculus A/B + B/C
  • Other
    • IB Visual Arts SL + HL
    • IB Film SL + HL
    • AP Computer Science
    • IB Business Management
    • IB Psychology 1/2 SL + 3/4 SL

IB Environmental Science and Precalculus Honors were both offered through the 23-24 school year and not offered after.

WA State Graduation Requirements

Health and Fitness2
Language Arts4
Occupational Education1
Science [1 lab/1 non-lab]3
Social Studies [incl. WA State History]3
World Language ~2

Additional Requirements and Differences with SPS

  • High School and Beyond Plan Pass State Tests
  • Community Service Learning – 60 hours 8(SPS Requirements)
  • 2.0 World Language Credits are Flexible * SPS Requirements

Ingraham High School Profile Addendum

IB Diploma & Highly Capable Students Transcript Narrative

Ingraham High School is one of three schools in Seattle, Washington, that offers the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. Moreover, it is one of very few schools in the world to offer an accelerated IB Program for identified highly capable students. Ingraham was approved to offer the IB Program in 2003 with our first cohort graduating in 2005. The highly capable pathway was established in 2011 with the first cohort earning their IB diplomas as juniors in May 2014

and graduating from Ingraham as seniors in June 2015.

The IB Program: Grades 11 & 12

IB Diploma Requirements: Students in the IB Diploma Program must complete:

  • IB classes and exams in 6 IB subject areas, 4000-word extended essay,
  • Theory of Knowledge course, and
  • service learning over two years that includes creativity and activity along with service.

At Ingraham, most 9th and 10th grade students seeking an IB diploma will add honors assignments and activities in preparation for entering the IB Diploma Program in 11th grade. It is the students’ choice to pursue honors based on their interest, academic record and staff recommendations. For all students, including highly capable students, mathematics and world language level placements are determined by each student’s previous course work and progress at middle school.

Beginning in 11th grade, students enroll in three higher level IB courses which are taught over both years of the program. The remaining three IB courses are standard level which for most subjects can be completed in one year. All Ingraham IB diploma candidates take English and history at the higher level. Students completing all the requirements and earning the requisite number of points on their IB exams are awarded the IB Diploma at the end of their senior year.

The Early Entry to the IB Program for Highly Capable Students: Grades 10 & 11

An early entry to the IB Program is an option for highly capable (HC) students identified by the Seattle Public Schools. In Seattle this option is only offered at Ingraham High School. Students are identified as highly capable having achieved scores of 98% or better on standard national achievement and cognitive ability tests during elementary or middle school.

HC sophomores can only enter the diploma program if they are at levels of math and world languages that allow them to complete the diploma in grades 10 and 11. Early entry candidates will have classes with all other IB students and will meet the same requirements for the IB diploma. HC students that complete the diploma program this year as juniors are then eligible to graduate, having met Washington State graduation requirements. They may also return to Ingraham for a senior year, graduating in June 2024.

During the senior year these students can take additional IB or AP courses, enroll in North Seattle College courses, continue with music ensembles and theater or other courses of personal interest. They can also study abroad and return in time for graduation.

For further information on the specifics of the Ingraham IB Diploma Program, please contact Laura Turner IB Diploma Program Coordinator at